"The promotion of the practice of stewardship is important for the mission of the Church and for the spiritual well-being of each individual Christian." -Pope Benedict XVI
Stewardship, as lived at St. Vincent Martyr, calls us to prayer, participation, and generosity as we strive to live a life of discipleship. Christian stewardship is the "core curriculum" of the school of discipleship, from which one never graduates. Our stewardship "vocation" is, therefore, something that we accept and grow into as we continue to grow in our relationship with God. It is our developing an ongoing response to the creative activity of God as it is encountered in personal experience, in the church, and in the world. It encourages us to constantly ask the psalmist's question: "What return shall I make to the Lord for all the good He has done for me?" (Psalm 116:12) This website will highlight many of the different ministries and service opportunities where our parishioners participate and opportunities to be united in prayer. Our Treasure is managed with the help of many parishioners. St Vincent's seeks to be a community where Parish resources are reported in a transparent and complete way. To assist the Pastor with this task, we have the Building and Grounds Committee and the Parish Finance Committee.
Everyone is called to return a portion of the gifts that God has given them. Consider the amount of prayer, participation and generosity that you will give in gratitude for God’s gifts to you. We are a Parish which is Gifted, Grateful, Giving, & Growing.