The Emerge priority area is dedicated to creating opportunities for young adult Catholics that will support their transformative journey and foster increased engagement as they lead the Church into the future. Recognizing the importance of involving the younger generation in shaping the future of the Church, Emerge aims to provide a viable and authentic experience of church that resonates with young adults. This priority area seeks to empower and equip young adult Catholics with the resources and support they need to actively participate in the Church's mission.
Young Adult, 20 and 30-somethings, encompasses a diverse group of individuals who are navigating various life stages, such as pursuing higher education, starting careers, forming relationships, and discerning their personal and spiritual identities. EMERGE recognizes the unique perspectives, needs, and aspirations of young adults and seeks to engage them meaningfully in the life of the Church.
EMERGE invites young adult Catholics to actively participate in this priority area and collaborate in creating experiences that will serve and enrich the community.
We aim to provide opportunities for young adults to contribute their voices, ideas, talents, and leadership skills to shape the future of the Church.
EMERGE values the active participation of young adult Catholics and believes in their immense potential to lead the Church into a vibrant and inclusive future, fostering a sense of belonging, purpose, and transformative growth.
Focus Groups and Surveys:
EMERGE will conduct focus groups and surveys to gather insights and perspectives from young adults regarding their experiences, needs, and aspirations within the Church. This input will help inform the development of programs, initiatives, and resources that cater to the specific interests and concerns of young adult Catholics.
Leadership Development Programs: Tailored for young adults, providing them with the necessary skills and support to take on active roles within the Church.
EMERGE will assist young adults to merge as disciples joyfully living in Christ and sharing His Mission of Love.