Confirmation is one of the three Sacraments of Initiation. These sacraments (Baptism, Confirmation, and Eucharist) welcome a person into the community of believers in the Church. At. St. Vincent Martyr Parish, Confirmation is celebrated in the fall of the junior year in high school. When Confirmation is celebrated at a high school level, the preparation is participation in youth ministry, and participation in youth ministry is confirmation preparation. Throughout this process three different Rites are celebrated.
The Rite of Entrance, the Rite of Prayer, the Rite of Creed and the Rite of Covenant are first described at a parent/teen session.
The Rite of Entrance is celebrated in the fall of the freshmen year. This take place on a Sunday morning. This rite is designed to allow our parish community to acknowledge our first year Confirmation candidates as they begin their journey through high school youth ministry. It is also an opportunity for our freshmen and their parents to express their willingness to fully participate in youth ministry.
The Rite of Prayer is held in the spring of the freshmen year. It is an opportunity for our young people and their parents to deepen their prayer life within the parish. The purpose of this session is to reflect on the Our Father and how it is a model of prayer for Adult Christians and no longer a childhood prayer. The families divide into small groups to reflect on each section of the prayer and to rewrite the section in his or her own words.
The Rite of Creed begins with a family-based morning of reflection followed by the ritual during a Sunday liturgy. This is held in winter of the sophomore year. During the morning of reflection parents are given the task of reflecting with their sons and daughters on the different sections of the Nicene Creed. At Mass both parents and candidates stand and profess the Creed with the worshipping community.
The Rite of Covenant is held at a youth family liturgy in the spring with sophomore candidates, their parents and their chosen sponsor. Once the candidates have had ample opportunities to understand and experience the Christian faith, they are now called upon to discern whether or not they wish to confirm through the Sacrament of Confirmation the baptismal vows that their parents made for them.
The Rite of Confirmation is a ritual that takes place during a Eucharistic Liturgy and through which the Sacrament of Confirmation is celebrated. At St. Vincent Martyr parish this is celebrated in the fall of the junior year of high school. Those who come forward to receive the sacrament confirm their Baptism, celebrate the completion of the sacraments of initiation, receive the gifts of the Holy Spirit, commit to share themselves with our parish community, and begin a new life as a disciple of Jesus.
Contact us:
Ms. Anne Marie Gisoldi Director of Youth Ministry Tel: 973 377 4000 Ext. 300 Email: [email protected]