Come and See is the OCIA process that God wants to use to draw you closer to Him and His Church. These ninety-minute sessions are held each week and a key topic or area of teaching of the Church is shared. Topics include: The Bible, Sacraments, Prayer, The Mass, Mary, and much more. Come and see.......
Our Weekly Sessions begin in early Fall
If you would like more information about this process, please contact the parish office at (973) 377 4000 ext. 252.
OCIA is a year-long process that culminates at the Easter Vigil with:
Any adult wishing to enter the Catholic Church or who has not received Eucharist or Confirmation will journey through the OCIA (Order of Christian Initiation for Adults) process.
What is OCIA? The Oder of Christian Initiation for Adults (OCIA) is for anyone 7 or older seeking to be baptized and/or enter into the Catholic Church or for adult Catholics seeking completion of the Sacraments of Initiation (e.g., Confirmation or First Communion).
People who might want to learn more about this special process, the OCIA, include:
•Adults who were never baptized and who now wish to learn about the Catholic faith with the possibility of becoming Catholics.
•Baptized Christians from other denominations who would like to learn more about the possibility of joining the Catholic Church.
•Catholics who were baptized, but never received First Communion, First Penance, and/or Confirmation.